Early in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll's title character quickly loses all sense of self after obeying an EAT ME and a DRINK ME. “Who in the world am I?” she wonders. “Ah, that's the great puzzle.” Pom Pom Squad’s Mia Berrin has had that question tumbling around her head too—due to the endless feedback and expectations since releasing her sublime debut album ‘Death of a Cheerleader’ in 2021, rather than any enchanted cake. “Receiving attention, negative or positive, left me feeling very fragmented, constantly thinking about other people’s perceptions,” Berrin says. “At a certain point, I felt like I couldn’t even control my own reflection. All these different versions of me were swimming around in people’s heads and on the internet, eclipsing the real me.” And on Pom Pom Squad’s sophomore LP, aptly titled ‘Mirror Starts Moving Without Me’, Berrin traverses the hall of mirrors to celebrate the true self at the heart.

