Sen Morimoto, who’s coming off a career-defining Pitchfork Fest Chicago performance and who announced Diagnosis, his third LP for November 3rd last month, is back with “Bad State,” the next track from it. The song balances brightly lit jazz-pop with big, menacing rock guitars and comes with a visualizer filmed by Sen’s brother, the Japan-based filmmaker Yuya Morimoto, both of which will be released on September 6th. Of the track and video, Sen notes:

"Bad State" is about learning to ask for help and using real human connection to escape the shame and numbness that comes from constant forward momentum and our self-worth being so deeply tied to productivity under the logic of capitalism.

My brother Yuya is a filmmaker based in Japan and we’ve been making videos together since we were kids. I love every opportunity I get to work with him! We filmed the video around the forest and mill towns we grew up in, where high speed internet was only introduced in the past couple of years. Those landscapes juxtapose the format of the video which sets the whole story within the phone you’re watching it on, with the character stuck inside, trying to climb their way back to real life.”

Yuya adds “The medium is the message, and my hope is that this video is able to convey some of the song’s energy in a visually interesting way.”

The song follows singles “Diagnosis” and “If The Answer Isn’t Love”, which were used to create connecting videos. Watch both below.

Watch the video for “If The Answer Isn’t Love” HERE